How to expense this course with your employer
Many companies offer an L&D or education budget that covers the cost of our courses. We provide several ways to help you get your course reimbursed.
After you enroll in a course, you will receive a receipt for your course purchase. You can forward this receipt directly to your team for reimbursement. Please reach out at [email protected] if you need help adding custom information, such as your company name and address, or if you need a detailed invoice.
Tactic Financial Modeler Certified
Need approval from your manager? Use this template to explain how The TACTIC On-Demand course will enhance your skills and benefit your team. Focus on the practical advantages and how it aligns with your organization's goals.
Here's a template you could use to ask for the reimbursement. Feel Free to adapt to your circumstances. Download the word document here: Reimbursement Template.docx
And if you want to provide even more details about the course, try attaching this proposal to the email: Tactic On-Demand + AFM Prep.pdf
If you need further information or more specific details, contact [email protected]. We will be happy to help you.